MobileViews Podcast 463: Google Pixel Tablet & post-WWDC discussion with Steve Hughes, Sven Johannsen, and Don Sorcinelli

Jon Westfall and I were joined by Steve Hughes, Sven Johannsen, and Don Sorcinelli for this podcast. We discussed the recently launched Google Pixel Tablet and the recent Apple WWDC product announcements.

  1. Every Mastodon User Has an RSS Feed
  2. Google Pixel Tablet
    Penoval USI 2.0 stylus
    HiPaint for Android
  3. WWDC 2023
    WWDC23 highlights
  4. Vision Pro, $3499
  5. iOS 17
  6. New health related features/support
  7. macOS Sonomo
  8. 15-inch MacBook Air
  9. Mac Studio & Mac Pro

Available via Google Music Podcasts and Apple iTunes.

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