Apple iPhone App Store Looks Awesome; eWallet for iPhone Soon

The Apple App Store for the iPhone (and eventually the upgraded iPod touch) IS the killer app. It has an easy to use an familiar user interface. It has a bunch of cool looking apps (many free). And, the for-fee apps look reasonably priced (may at $9.95).

More importantly, according to this info item on the Ilium Software site…

iPhone Software – Coming Soon

…the one must-gotta-have application in my mobile toolkit, eWallet, will be available for the Apple iPhone and iPod touch. I’m hoping to try it on my iPod touch when the 2.0 upgrade becomes available for it.

There are still three problems with the iPhone 2.0 for me personally:

1. AT&T Wireless (don’t want to switch carriers)
2. No physical QWERTY keyboard
3. No user replaceable battery