Information Week says: Most Companies Don’t Have A Mobile Device Management Plan

I went on a rant a few months ago chiding Microsoft for their assumption that most of their Windows Mobile customers live in an IT Utopia where mobile devices are managed by dedicated highly trained IT mobile device support staff with exactly the right management tools. Well, according to this Information Week article…
Trouble Ahead: Most Companies Don’t Have A Mobile Device Management Plan

Not only have most organizations in InformationWeek’s recent survey of 307 business technology managers not adopted mobile device management strategies, most of them–52%–don’t even have plans to buy or implement tools that would help them corral proliferating wireless devices.

The article goes on to report: Those who haven’t adopted such products and don’t plan to cite three reasons: lack of need, cost, and complexity.

So, it looks like most of us, whether inside or outside the enterprise, are on our own when it comes to mobile devices.