Configure Pocket PC Word Completion Your Way

Word CompletionA Windows Mobile Pocket PC feature that has always impressed me is Word Completion. It can help you get around the relatively slowness of pecking or writing in the SIP (Soft Input Panel) with a stylus or typing on a physical QWERTY keyboard by suggesting and auto-completing complete words.
However, you may not have found it very useful if you left it with its default setting of suggesting a single word after the two letters are entered. You can change these settings by getting to the Word Completion configuration screen:

  • Start
  • Settings
  • Input
  • Word Completion (tab on Input window)

I find that suggestions after just entering two characters doesn’t provide enough predictive information for word completion. So, I set mine to start suggesting words after entering the first three letters. I also found that a single suggestion doesn’t have a high enough hit rate. So, I have word completion suggest three words instead. These suggestions are displayed in a drop-down menu as seen below. You can use the arrow keys to navigate the list. So, you never need to take your fingers off of the keyboard use the list. Try playing around with the settings until you find one that fits your writing or thumb typing style best. You’ll probably find your Pocket PC becomes much more productive after tinkering with this setting.
Word completion example

4 thoughts on “Configure Pocket PC Word Completion Your Way

  1. Mario

    dear friend:
    I used to have an HTC mogul with a wm5 program which had a word completion program that worked very good. Now I have changed for a HTC touch wm6 that doesn’t work well at all. How can I solve this, or is there a new a very good program ón the web that can do this job.
    Thanks in advance

    Mario Ortega

  2. Bill

    Hi, tks for tip on “Wordcompletion”. I have a question. My wordcompletion program seems to be storing up news word as I type them out. Unfortunately, it also stores up the words with spelling errors. How do I edit or delete those errors?

    I’d appreciate if you could email the response to me. Tks


  3. rick cameron

    Perhaps you can help me with a problem related to word completion…
    On my old PPC 2002 device, when I enter a word that’s not in the word completion dictionary, it is added, so that if I immediately start entering the same word again, it appears in the list of choices.
    My newer WM2003SE device doesn’t do this. It seems that words don’t get added automatically to the dictionary.
    Any ideas?
    – rick

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