Just received a SRS Labs iWOW-U audio enhancer gadget

The PR firm for SRS Labs (now part of DTS, Inc.) sent me small audio enhancing hardware to try out: The iWOW-U.

The iWOW-U retails for $89.99 but is available from Amazon for $59.99. One of the two customer-reviewers on Amazon complains that this model does not have an Apple 30-pin connector as an older model did. Of course, if you just bought a shiny new iPhone 5, this is a good thing. The iWOW-U works with any headset and music producing device (like an iPhone 5) using ordinary mini-jacks. No special connector is required. This also means that it requires charging using a provided micro-USB cable (any micro-USB cable should work).

I’m charging the iWOW-U up now and will give it a spin for a few days before providing my impressions of the device.