Installing PhoneGap & Visual Studio 2010 Express for Windows Phone

Phonegap’s Jesse MacFadyen posted some great news and good info for web developers who want to build for Windows Phone. Be sure to watch the video embedded in the blog entry for installation information. The problem is that the video is the only clear source of information because Jesse’s blog item…

PhoneGap for Windows Phone Dissected

more or less points back to the PhoneGap blog item…

PhoneGap for Windows Phone: Getting Started

which in turn points back to Jesse’s blog item. The problem is compounded because, as Jesse points out in his blog, the PhoneGap download link currently points to an older release [Note the download link pointed to a version 1.3 when I checked but it appeared to be a different release from the one on github]. The current release is on github. So, here’s a list of links that gets you the downloads.

Microsoft: Visual Studio 2010 Express for Windows Phone

github: callback / callback-windows-phone
Get version 1.3 under the Tags tab

PhoneGap: Read the Getting Started Guide for Windows Phone
There is an error in the instructions here, however. The Zip file name in PhoneGap’s documentation is However, the name of the file is actually

2 thoughts on “Installing PhoneGap & Visual Studio 2010 Express for Windows Phone

  1. Pingback: When bugs eat your software | by Edward Mitchell

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